Week 3

This graph shows the progressive growth of each starter over time. As many were retaining a liquid layer on the tops, after the suggestion of my professors, on 9/4 I began adding both 20g of water and 20g of flour to each starter every day. This progressive growth recorded included the 15g weight of the cups, as well as the weights after each cup has been fed each day. This may not show growth of the starters height-wise, but due to potential variance in the scoops taken out of each mixture, this allows for a certain level of awareness for that potential variable.

Specific daily notes for odors, textures, and mold are recorded with the daily notes found in each day’s notes in the Gallery, and will all be compiled for consideration by the end of the experiments. However, no rising and falling has yet been observed in the starters, and all notes will be recorded height wise following this, as well as a shift to a 12-hour feeding schedule!